Root canal therapy: What is endodontics?

Endodontics is the branch of dentistry that focusses on a treatment called root canal therapy, in situations where decay penetrates too deeply, reaching the dental pulp. The dental pulp is a soft tissue mainly composed of blood vessels and nerves that provide nourishment and sensitivity to the tooth.

When is root canal therapy performed?

When a carious lesion penetrates deeply, a filling is not sufficient, and in order to avoid extraction, a treatment that addresses the root of the problem is necessary: root canal therapy.

What are the symptoms of deep carious lesion?

The symptoms in this case are:
• Pain
• Hypersensitivity to cold and heat

How is root canal therapy performed?

Root canal therapy is performed under local anesthetic and involves the removal of infected pulp tissue from inside the tooth, from the crown to the roots. This allows for the removal of the decay and the preservation of the tooth.

Why is it called root canal therapy?

The name derives from the fact that this procedure deprives the tooth of the nerve and vascular endings that make it vital and sensitive, while preserving its structure.

The stages of treatment

Root canal therapy is divided into several steps:

  • Removal of the pulp tissue and shaping of the root canals to prepare them for filling material
  • Cleansing and sterilization of the area
  • Filling of the canals using specific filling materials
  • Reconstruction or, if necessary, application of a dental crown to strengthen the tooth


The entire therapy is performed using a rubber dam to isolate the treated tooth from the rest of the oral cavity, reducing the spread of bacteria.

Post-treatment: what happens?

After root canal therapy, it is possible to experience some discomfort, particularly during chewing. This will diminish over the course of a few days, and if necessary, we may recommend the use of anti-inflammatory or pain-relieving medications.

In case of persistent post-operative pain or swelling, it may be necessary to also administer some form of antibiotic therapy.

How long does post-treatment anesthesia last?

The effect of local anesthesia typically lasts 3-4 hours. During this time, due to the lack of sensitivity, it is important to exercise caution while chewing and avoid consuming excessively hot beverages.

How to avoid root canal treatment?

Regular check-ups at our clinic are essential to prevent the need for this type of treatment. By constantly monitoring the condition of your mouth, we can identify and address any carious lesions or issues early on when they can still be treated with a filling.

In addition, maintaining good daily oral hygiene and seeking professional dental cleaning allows for thorough mouth sanitization, preventing the accumulation of harmful bacteria.

Would you like to schedule a check-up? Please contact us, and our team will swiftly arrange your appointment.


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